So maybe it isn't magic per-say, but there's a baby coming into the world soon and I think that is pretty dang magical! This baby is extra special, it's a part of my own family, and she is a girl.... MAGIC!
The skies were alive with color tonight. I think the poor guy in front of me thought I was going to run him off the road trying to rush to the lake to capture the scene. I was a little embarrassed when he turned into the lake ahead of me and I rushed in behind. Needless to say, he didn't stick around long. Hahaha! Totally worth it!!
I took a little drive today with my Pocks to just see what we could see... Deer. But We have wild turkey's at our house so I did catch a few shots of those as well! Good times!
I think this was my very first time going to a Princess Birthday Party. Oh my goodness the level of cuteness was over the moon! All these little girls dressed up like Princess'! I can't get over it. See for yourselves! You'll love it!